Are led lights good for lighting?

The light-emitting diode (LED) is today's most energy-efficient and rapidly developing lighting technology. Quality LED bulbs last longer, are longer lasting and offer comparable or better quality of light than other types of lighting.


are a directional light source, meaning that they emit light in a designated direction. As a result, LEDs are excellent reading lights.

However, it is important to pay attention to the color temperature and brightness of the LEDs, as choosing the wrong reading light can cause eye strain and affect the sleep cycle. Artificial lighting is a fundamental aspect of modern society and LEDs are quickly becoming a favorite worldwide. As Philips Hue demonstrates, LED bulbs are capable of displaying an impressive range of colors, from purple to red, to a full spectrum of whites and yellows. Many traditional lighting sources, such as incandescent bulbs, use more than 90% of the energy they use to heat, allocating only 10% of the energy to actual light production.

It also makes LEDs ideal for illuminating works of art that degrade or decompose over time with exposure to UV rays. Since LEDs are not affected by turning on and off, they can be quickly changed for flashing displays or applications that require sensors that frequently switch from on to off and vice versa. The different uses of LEDs include a wide spectrum from their roots in circuit board and traffic sign lighting to modern ambient lighting, residential and commercial property applications, and even major stadium lighting. Ultimately, this means that reading with a white light at bedtime can increase alertness and delay sleep for up to 3 hours.

Fixtures with LED bulbs also don't require any “warm-up time” after turning on; this eliminates the time needed to reach full brightness. And as with all ENERGY STAR products, certified LED bulbs undergo random testing every year to ensure they continue to meet ENERGY STAR requirements. This means that fewer LEDs are needed to achieve the same level of brightness that fluorescent and incandescent lights emit. While most people can tolerate the flickering of LEDs, people suffering from photophobia will experience eye strain, discomfort, headaches, migraines, excessive squinting or blinking, burning or tearing, vertigo, dizziness, and inflammation (TheraSpecs).

LEDs also experience a more gradual decline than the sudden wear and tear experienced with incandescents. If you are looking for more information about LEDs or are considering an LED lighting conversion, contact Stouch Lighting. As such, the savings extend not only to replacement costs, but also to the maintenance costs of your company's lighting bill. This feature is also useful if you want the lights to turn on quickly when an employee opens a building early in the morning before the sun rises.

Adam Martabano
Adam Martabano

Certified tv advocate. Hipster-friendly social media nerd. Hipster-friendly webaholic. Proud pop culture buff. Evil tv fan.